June 6, 2024 – Daily Photo Challenge

June 6th: “I Love….”

It’s that time of year…..strawberries are out and fresh picked daily at our area farms. I picked these up this afternoon from Panek’s…..I got two quarts – one for me and one to share with a friend! They are soooo good – jam-packed and oozing with juicy sweetness and bursting with flavor! PERFECTION!!!

When strawberries and sweet cherries are out, I buy up fresh picked batches practically daily throughout the season and eat them till I make myself sick….absolutely worth it!!! hehehe

Our Strawberry Festival is this weekend….it is always the same weekend every year and most of the time, a late freeze keeps the farms from having fresh strawberries available until about a week later! This year, the spring weather has been so incredible that the crops are producing just in time for the festival! Woo Hoo!!!

Here is the stand at Panek’s when I got there after lunch today — should really get there earlier in the day to not risk having them be sold out!

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