June 4, 2024 – Daily Photo Challenge

June 4th: “I Feel…” (like summer)

My lunch!!! Tomatoes aren’t in season here, yet, but couldn’t resist the craving for a tomatoes on toast lunch! Add some fruit and cucumbers and BAM – a filling, healthy lunch! And, the best part is a gorgeous day to eat outside!

In addition to my Daily Photo Challenge, I also do the BeReal photo every day — BeReal is an app that sends a prompt once every 24 hours and you have two minutes from the time of the prompt to take a photo of whatever you are doing at that very moment. The app captures whatever is in front of you AND captures a selfie as well! Well…..today, my Daily Photo Challenge and my BeReal app collided!!! I took the photo above for the challenge, sat down to eat this delicious lunch, and just a short time later, my BeReal prompt went off — so, I took another photo of this delicious lunch when it was about 1/2 gone! Here’s my BeReal screenshot:

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