May 29, 2024 – Daily Photo Challenge

May 29th: “Pink and Green”

I have a confession….I’m a notorious plant murderer!!! There, I’ve said it! Outdoor plants thrive under my care (cause they don’t depend on me much), but indoor plants are sitting ducks….I tend to either over water or under water them or they hate the spot I pick for them or whatever…..they eventually die – usually sooner rather than later!!!! I’ve even killed multiple philodendrons and I’m told that if I kill plants, that’s what I should get because it’s darned near impossible to kill one! Well……

I have a cactus that has done well for several years now – it is a mix of Easter, Thanksgiving, and Christmas cactus’ and blooms at least a couple times a year and seems to like where I have it and how much water/attention it gets. Just a week or so ago, I picked up an African Violet…..I transplanted it into a bigger pot than the small plastic pot it came in and here it is! I’ve had African Violets before and they did well for a few years and then suddenly they all just died!!!

So….keep your fingers crossed for this little friend…..she can use all the prayers she can get living with me!

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